Pendent SprinklersUpright SprinklersHorizontal Sidewall SprinklersHSW – Extended Coverage, Quick Response SprinklersVertical Sidewall SprinklersConcealed SprinklersConventional SprinklersRecessed SprinklersPendent, Upright, Recessed K-8 SprinklersHorizontal Sidewall K-8 SprinklersTest and Drain ValvesSprinkler GuardsPressure Relief ValvesSprinkler CabinetZone Control Manifold Assembly
Zone Control Manifold AssemblyY-Type StrainersWater Motor Gong BellWater Motor Gong BellWater Motor Gong BellWater Curtain NozzleVertical Sidewall SprinklersVarsha - HF60Varsha - HF50Varsha - HF4VVarsha - HF40UVarsha - HF40Varsha - HF30Varsha - 60Varsha - 50Varsha - 40UVarsha - 40Varsha - 30Upright SprinklersTrolley Mounted MonitorTrailer Mounted Monitor Model HD-CHETAKTrailer Mounted MonitorTest and Drain ValvesTank Cooling NozzleSynthetic Fluorine Free Foam (AR-SFFF F3 3X3)Swing Check ValvesSprinkler GuardsSprinkler CabinetSolid Stream NozzlesSkid Mounted Balance Pressure Foam Proportioning SystemSingle Interlock Preaction with Wet Pilot ActuationSingle Interlock Preaction with Electric ReleaseSingle Interlock Preaction with Dry Pilot ActuationRim Seal Foam PourersRevolving NozzleReverse Action Water Spray NozzleRetard ChamberRecessed SprinklersRatio ControllerPriming Shut-Off ValvePressure SwitchesPressure Switch - Explosion proofPressure Relief ValvesPressure GaugesPre-Pack Pre-Action SystemsPotter Releasing Panel PFC-4410G3Potter PFC-4410RC Control PanelPost Indicators for NRS Gate ValvesPositive Drain ActuatorPortable Inline Foam InductorPendent, Upright, Recessed K-8 SprinklersPendent SprinklersOSYSU-EX-O (Outdoor Explosion Proof Outside Screw and Yoke Valve Supervisory Switch)OSYSU-EX (Explosion Proof Outside Screw and Yoke Valve Supervisory Switch)OS & Y Supervisory SwitchesNozzles – Air aspirating Foam-Water SprinklersMulti-line Vertical Deluge SkidsMulti Jet Control (MJC) ValveMonitor – VARUN 643 Foam Monitor (Stainless Steel)Monitor – VARUN 643 BZ (Stainless Steel)Monitor – VARUN 613 | (Carbon Steel)Monitor – VARUN 443 Foam Monitor (Stainless Steel)Monitor – VARUN 443 Electric Remote Controlled | (Stainless Steel)Monitor – VAJRA331-S (Oscillating Monitor)Monitor – VAJRA 433 | (Cast Bronze)Monitor – VAJRA 331 | (Cast Bronze)Monitor – MG 413 (Carbon Steel)Monitor – M 341 (Stainless Steel)Monitor – M 311 (Carbon Steel)Monitor – M 241 (Stainless Steel)Monitor – M 211 (Carbon Steel)Monitor – M (ISI) (Carbon Steel)Mobile Foam UnitMobile Bladder TankMedium Velocity Spray NozzleJumbo Water Curtain NozzleIntegrated Deluge Skid DSKInline Foam InductorInline Balanced Pressure Foam ProportionerHSW – Extended Coverage, Quick Response SprinklersHorizontal Sidewall SprinklersHorizontal Sidewall K-8 SprinklersHigh Velocity Spray Nozzle | (3/4 Inch)High Velocity Spray Nozzle | (1 Inch)HD-RAKSHAK IHP CO2 SystemHD-INERTSYS® Inert Gas Suppression SystemHazmat Foam (HF)Gate ValvesFoam SkidsFoam Pourers for Foam MakersFoam MakersFoam Concentrate Control ValveFoam Concentrate By Pass ValveFoam ChambersFoam Branch PipeFoam Bladder Tank with pre-assembled Deluge ValveFluoroprotein Foam FP 6-C6Fluoroprotein Foam FP 3-C6Flow SwitchesFlow Switch - Explosion ProofFlexible Sprinkler DropsFire Hose NozzleFilm Forming Fluoroprotein Foam FFFP 3/6-C6Dual Bladder Tank SkidsDry Pilot ActuatorDouble Interlock Preaction with Electric/Pneumatic ReleaseDouble Interlock Preaction with Electric/Electric ReleaseDeluge Valve Model H5 (Nickel Aluminum Bronze)Deluge Valve Model H3 (Ductile Iron)Deluge Valve Model H2 (Cast Steel)Deluge Valve Model A (Cast Iron)Deluge Cabinet D-PACK®Custom Engineered Deluge SkidsConventional SprinklersConcealed SprinklersButterfly ValvesBladder Tank with Multiple ProportionersBladder Tank Foam Proportioning SystemAutomatic Pressure Maintenance DeviceAutomatic Ball Drip ValveAtmospheric Foam Concentrate Storage TankAqueous Film Forming Foam 1% (AFFF 1-C6)Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF 6-C6)Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF 3-C6 & AFFF 3F-C6)Alcohol Resistant Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AR-AFFF 3X6-C6)Alcohol Resistant Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AR-AFFF 3X3-C6)Alcohol Resistant Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AR-AFFF 1X3-C6)Alarm Valve Model HAFFF 3FZ-C6 Low Temperature Foam
HD Pendent Sprinkler is a small, thermosensitive, glass-bulb spray fire sprinkler available in several different finishes and temperature ratings to meet design requirements.
Sprinkler is UL Listed and FM Approved. During fire, the heat-sensitive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing the frangible glass bulb to shatter. Water flowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler deflector, forming a uniform spray pattern in order to control or extinguish fire. It is available in Standard Response and Quick Response models. Whatever the setting may be, the Pendant Sprinkler owing to its targeted water dispersion is employed for controlling fire on all levels.