
Monitor – VARUN 443 Electric Remote Controlled
(Stainless Steel)

Corrosion resistant stainless steel monitor VARUN-443 is added with electric motor to form Electric Remote Controlled Monitor.

The monitor is generally used for protection of flammable liquid storage tanks, loading racks, jetty, terminals, and many other applications. The Monitor possess several design features that provide ease of operation, minimum maintenance, and resistance to normally destructive environments. The nozzle can be fix and variable flow with self-inducting or through Jet Ratio Controller (JRCP). The basic monitor and nozzle are UL Listed.


  • Stainless steel waterway
  • Nominal size 100mm (4”)
  • Maximum operating pressure 12 bar (175 psi)
  • Electric Motor, Junction Box – explosion proof or weatherproof
  • 0 to 340° rotation and -45° to +85° elevation
  • Main Control Panel – explosion proof with push button or weatherproof with joy stick
  • Variable flow with nozzle model H4-V/ H4-VJ (500/750/1000 gpm)
  • Fix Flow with nozzle model H4 (500/750/1000 gpm)
Product Catalogue